So we've all seen the re-usable milk containers that are in sainsburys (see right). Although I think these are a good starting point into introducing new ways to be more sustainable within the home and reduced the amount of milk cartons and bottles used, I think they are prone to failing - as in the milk always sp
ills into the container. Ecologic brands have created a new style of 'liquid' container that is biodegradable, compostable and recyclable. The exterior shell of the bottle is made from OCC (old corrugated cardboard) that has been thermoformed into a rigid container using advanced egg carton technology. The inner liner is a thin mono-polymer milk pouch that is recyclable with #4 plastics and easy to adapt to bio plastic innovations. I think it's good to see a product that be returned directly to the earth after it's lifecycle (minus it's lining ofcourse). This is now available on the shelves in the US but Ecologic brands are waiting baited breath to see how US consumers react to it, as previous efforts to create more sustainable milk packaging modeled after Canadian and European packaging have been largely unsuccessful.

Ecologic brands website: http://www.ecologicbrands.com/our-containers.html
I personally don't like the re-usable containers that are sold in Sainsbury's as they tend to leak (from the replacement bag)and I don't feel they are very hygienic. An egg carton style bottle that is completely decomposable is a good step forward although it is not re-usable it's production methods are relatively cheap! Here's hoping the Yanks come round to the idea despite previous failures